February 16, 2025
Series: A Study of Joshua: Strong. Courageous. Faith
Title: Crossing The Jordan
Scripture: Joshua 3
Notetaking booklets for the new series are available in the foyer
Behold, the ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is crossing over before you
into the Jordan. Now therefore, take for yourselves twelve men from the tribes of
Israel, one man from every tribe. And it shall come to pass, as soon as the soles of the
feet of the priests who bear the ark of the Lord, the Lord of all the earth, shall rest in
the waters of the Jordan, that the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, the waters that
come down from upstream, and they shall stand as a heap.
Grace Community Church I 450 Spanish Wells Road I Hilton Head Island, SC 29926
843.681.6698 www.gracehhi.org
Egypt: Gideon 300 Pastoral Ministry Grace Church is excited to have sent Matthew
Palmer & David Burke to Egypt. They are part of a team who will train 300 young pastors
from all over Egypt, with a goal to start a gospel movement. May God take these pastors
who are excited to grow to radical level impacting their own lives and the 300 churches
they represent . The trip, also includes sharing with people a biblical way to believe, act
and live with Jesus, which is a vast contrast to their cultural custom. This has the
potential to impact 60,000 lives in Egypt and create a new generation of Christian
leaders, and be the start of a real revival in Ministry leaders, the church, and in the
country. Additionally, they will participate in leading a business-man outreach, time with
terminally ill children / families, and encouraging the team of Egyptian chaplains, who we
have been in partnership with for over 20 years but have never seen. There is a financial
balance of $6,000 to fully fund the pastoral conference and ministry. Also, David and
Matthew’s expenses total $7,500. If you are led to give, designate Egypt. “By the three
hundred men…I will save you.” Judges 7.
Kairos Prison Outreach addresses the spiritual needs of incarcerated people. The next
outreach is March 20-23 at Ridgeland Men’s Correctional. Training dates are Saturday
mornings of February 22, and March 8 and 15 (would need to attend all 3 trainings) Last
year, it was a tremendous joy that most of the 36 men in the program trusted The Lord
as Savior or desired to follow Him more closely. Contact Rick (rvanpuffelen@yahoo.com)
with questions or to sign up.
Infant Nursery Need at 9 a.m. We would love to offer an infant nursery at the early
worship service but we have a need for staffing. If you could rock a baby and would like
to serve, contact Kimberly Pyle for information. kimberly@gracehhi.org
Dinner & Worship Night is this Friday, February 21 at 6:30 p.m. Potluck Soup/ Chili
dinner followed by a selection of old and new hymns. Sign up in the Connections Corner
to bring soups, salads, bread, dessert. Church providing beverages. During the week,
email: seth@gracehhi.org if you miss the sign-up today.
Women’s Ministry Evening Bible Study begins this Thursday, February 20 at 6:30 p.m.
studying The Beatitudes , by Matt Chandler. What does it mean to be blessed? And,
more importantly, how do we become someone who is blessed? The kind of life God is
calling us to may not look the way we imagined, but it will be better than we could have
hoped. Child Care offered by reservation. Sign up today.
Grow In God’s Word Listen audibly with Grace Church readers as we go through the
entire Bible in a year. You’ll find the link on our website. Go through the scriptures this
year. Come on and jump in with us!
2024 Financial Praise Report from Last Sunday’s Review
Giving Income : Including General, Benevolence, Missions, Capital
Total Income = $1,465,714.
Missions: Including Missionary Support, Projects, Trips, Special Disbursements / Gifts
Missions total = $ 224,359.
Salary/Benefits = $709,147.
Admin / Building/ Grounds = $289,010.
Ministries= $93,629.
Benevolence (includes Hurricane Helene financial gifts) = $71,142.
Total expenses = $1,387,289.
Net = $78,425.00